2FA & Encryption: New To You?

Lots of fuss in the news lately about Smartphone encryption and 2 Factor Authentication (2FA). Maybe it's just me, but where have these people been the last decade or so? Smartphone encryption isn't new, it's just become more popular and convenient. Heck, chances are if your Android smartphone is less than 3 years old you already have the capability; it's just not turned on by default. But hey, Apple is going to provide it now too. Everybody panic!

Same with 2FA. I must have read a dozen headlines today about Google now supporting FIDO Universal 2nd Factor devices (U2F). Revolutionary! Except, well, many have been using 2FA for decades. Not just 2FA with a RSA SecurID either, that's old school (oh the memories). A few years ago I started using the very "security key" technology that has now been standardized and is all over the news this week. Ever heard of YubiKey?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I highly doubt either of these technologies are new to you. They're certainly not new to the military, law enforcement or government. What is new is that they've become more convenient and less costly. We should probably lobby for a law against that, right?

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