Professional Services

Solving Challenging Technology Problems for over 35 years.

Larry teaching in Singapore, 2013. Over the course of my career I have provided video and digital evidence training to hundreds of attorneys and law enforcement professionals throughout the world, with the vast majority of my students predominantly from the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia. 

From patrol officers to senior Agents & Analysts, Administrative Assistants through Executives & Legislators, I have built a career around making complex technical issues easier to understand.

Go Beyond the PLAY button™


If you're simply hitting the play button and trusting what you see, you may not only be missing a lot of're likely misinterpreting it!

  • Digital Video Evidence Recovery
  • Digital Video Workflow & Processing
  • Image Enhancement
  • Video/Image Comparative Analysis
  • Interactive Charts & Presentations

Digital video files can use a plethora of frameworks, codecs, file formats and software. Even standard video file formats created by professional grade equipment can appear differently, on the very same computer system, when played back via different software.

Are you seeing every frame? Has it been edited? Is it playing back at the proper speed? Are the colors correct? Why are there gaps in the video? How come I can only see the time stamp in some players, on some computers, but not all the time? What about the aspect ratio (width x height), is it correct? Can you explain why? I can.

I have been helping courts understand the true meaning of Digital & Multimedia Evidence for over 20 years. If it's DME and it's going to court, you need to Go Beyond the PLAY Button™

Students taking a written exam.

Example Course Titles & Lectures

A few titles from DME courses & lectures I've facilitated:

  • Multimedia Fundamentals - Frameworks, Formats & Codecs
  • Understanding the AVI File Format
  • LEVA Level 2: Digital Multimedia Evidence Processing
  • Seizing Digital Evidence: What You Need To Know
  • Introduction to Mobile Device Forensics
  • Creating Effective DME Charts & Presentations

Magnet Forensics Training & Certification

Dive deep into Digital Forensics with experienced trainers while building your expertise and demonstrating credibility.  In-person, virtual and on-demand self-paced courses are available.

Any completed instructor-led Magnet Forensics training course (in-person or virtual) can be counted for 32 CPE credits through NASBA.

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