New DME Video Podcast - Coming Soon!

The first episode of DMEpod will be released in just a few weeks and we want to feature you, your story, your case, your agency, your event, or your products! As a matter of fact, we'd love to have you host an episode! DMEpod will be a monthly (maybe, sort of, kind of, best effort...) video podcast covering the people, products, processes, training, news and events relating to the forensic multimedia community. (*Whew*)

DMEpod will be available for free via the iTunes podcast library; those that don't use iTunes will be able to subscribe via RSS right through our site. Furthermore, each episode will be posted to Google Video, YouTube, blip.TV and of course the video library.

DMEpod - The Digital Multimedia Evidence Community PodcastWhether you're an analyst, vendor, software engineer, agency administrator, prosecutor, consultant or related instructor...We Want to Hear From You!

Share your successes, processes, tips & tricks, current or future projects, opinions, news...anything and everything related to the Digital Multimedia Evidence community! Attending a related training event or conference? Bring your video camera and get us the scoop! Interview the instructor, other attendees or exhibitors, then send it to us to feature in the next episode of DMEpod!

Yep, that's right...DMEpod will be a community production. So, just like our site, it will be developed by the forensic multimedia community for the forensic multimedia community. No paid advertising, but hopefully lots of vendor and community participation.

You don't need to have a camera or even a video to help or participate in DMEpod's development; you simply need an idea, opinion, some related news or other information you think the DME community would benefit from. Ideally DMEpod will be full of unbiased DME community info, with just a dash of humor and know, to keep it entertaining. ;-)

Wait a can a vendor, software developer, or system manufacturer be unbiased? Well, when talking about their products they probably can't, but we want to hear it and see it anyway. Lets be honest, the vendor community plays an essential role to the development of our sciences. Just as is the case with our Website, I for one strongly encourage them to participate.

Here are a few ideas to get the wheels turning...

  • Interviews with analysts, prosecutors, instructors, agency or organization administrators, etc...
  • Show us that brand new widget you just incorporated into your workflow.
  • Screen-cast tutorials of a product or process.
  • Video, pics, or feedback from a DME related event.
  • Product announcements, updates, etc....
  • Training announcements and opportunities.
  • DME related career opportunity announcements.
  • Certifications, certificates or other notable awards or recognition.
  • DME related grant funding opportunities.
  • CASE CLOSED - how DME played a role in your case.
  • ANYTHING related to DME!

You don't have to be a member to submit content or be featured on DMEpod, so come on, help us get the word out to anyone and everyone involved in forensic multimedia analysis! Click the email icon (the little envelope looking thingy) at the top of this article and send it to your colleagues, prosecutors, vendors, lab administrators, professional organizations, related consults and instructors!

Contact Us
Questions, comments, suggestions and content can be submitted via our contact form or via email to

Video or picture files too large to email? Simply send us a note to let us know and we'll provide you with FTP and/or snail mail options.

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NOTE: Members of my site are NOT auto-subscribed or un-subscribed from this newsletter; they must manually Opt-In/Out.

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