IE6 Is Getting On My Last Nerve

Late nights, early mornings, and a couple of days with no sleep at all over the last few weeks makes Larry want to buy stock in Starbucks. The new site is progressing well, but I just can't let go of the IE6 issues as easily as I thought I could. They're really no big deal, just some minor cosmetic issues, but when you put all this effort into a project you want visitors to at least see it the way it was designed...even those who choose not to update their FREE browsers.

If you've been here recently, you'll notice I've already changed the new site's layout. The concept is to provide a clean, user-friendly interface; not a fancy, schmancy look. I think this new layout accomplishes that, so I'm sticking with it. Of course, I've had to re-do much of the layout work I'd done on the previous design, but I think it's worth it. Now I just need a MAC user willing to be a "guinea pig".

Okay, so the truth is I actually need a MAC user and ideally an Opera user as well. Emulators are nice tools, but I don't trust them. I've designed the site for IE7 and Firefox 2.0 at a minimum resolution of 1024x768. I know, I know...there are still plenty out there using older browsers and 800x600 screen resolutions, but hopefully few of them are in this line of work (Forensic Media Analysts).

I'd love to hear some feedback on the site, so please take a moment to shoot a note via my contact form. Whether it's feedback related to the new site's layout or concept, at this point either would be very helpful. Also, if there's any functionality, you'd like to see in what will be the new member's area, that you don't see listed on the About page already, don't be shy.

If you register between now and the 11th your request will be reviewed and processed; however, if approved accounts will not be activated until the evening of the 10th. If you're a MAC or Opera user who'd like to help with some preliminary testing, shoot me a note via the contact form so I can follow up with you to further discuss. Thanks for visiting everybody, hope to see you on the inside soon!

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