If You Like Firefox and Web 2.0, You'll Love Flock

This weekend I downloaded and tested out v2.5 of the Flock browser.  If you've never heard of it and you're a Web 2.0 junkie, you just might find this browser to be the one for you.

While I have several browsers installed on all of my PCs, I probably use Firefox 3.5 the most.  Flock is based on the Mozilla framework.  I really like the interface design, as it seems to incorporate the best of Firefox, Safari, and Chrome all in one layout.

Flock includes several ways for you to interact with all of your online accounts and assets. Basically, it allows you to integrate and streamline access to your online life.  It includes a Media Bar that allows you to quickly browse photos uploaded by all of your friends on any of your services, as well as a nice feed reader, webmail interface, and blog editor among other things.

My favorite feature by far, however, is the "People Sidebar".  If you have multiple Web 2.0 accounts (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, etc...), you simply sign into each and can view an integrated update stream.  You can also interact via the sidebar by responding to tweets, status updates, etc...

These guys are on to something here. The more I use this browser the more I like it. 

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