10 Days Without our Friend - RIP Mask

On March 11th, 2009 the mixed martial arts community, and quite frankly the world, lost a great man. Charles "Mask" Lewis was a pioneer, and probably the best example in recent history of why you can't judge someone by the way they look on the outside; it's what is inside that counts. I'm still struggling with this tragedy and although this isn't typically the forum where I'd share MMA or fighting related posts or issues, this is much more than that. Below is the post I left for Punkass and Skrape on 3/12, as well as a tribute video put together by the TapouT Live radio crew. RIP MASK - Always Believe.

"It’s like I still can’t believe it. I never had the pleasure of meeting Mask in person, but have watched and listened to him for years. I feel like I knew him personally, more so than many people I see on a daily basis. His beliefs, his heart, his passion. A true pioneer and a true person. Although he did not know me, he was my friend. He was someone I respected. He is someone the entire sport will truly miss. My thoughts are with you, Skrape and the entire TapouT family. Always believe." - Larry C. (a.k.a. Profighting), 3/12/2009

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