NEW Document and Downloads Library!

We've added another great feature for members that will further facilitate the efficient sharing of documents, images, videos, presentations, and even programs; a shared, categorized, document library. In addition to the personal files & images storage area allocated to each new member, the document library provides an organized, searchable, shared location for forensic related content. Content can be uploaded from your computer, added via a link to another server, or even imported from another server.

Additionally, you'll notice some minor changes to the Member Menu. A new "tab" has been created on the Member Menu called "Other FVA Resources", where you'll find the link to our shared DVR database, the FVA FTP server, as well as the FVA list-serv. We have more features planned and will also be working on some minor bugs that still exist with the Video Library, so be sure to check-in often for further developments.

Over the weekend we'll begin adding and importing various forensic video analysis related documents and files and creating new categories in the document library. If you'd like to see a specific category added to the new document library simply let us know by either commenting in the member forums, shooting me a PM or using our contact form. is less than two weeks old and our membership is now over 130 strong and growing daily. As always, I welcome everyone's feedback and encourage members to participate in our development. I want to thank everybody who has signed up to-date, and truly look forward to further developing this resource with all of you. Remember to tell your peers and colleagues to sign-up, sign-in, and contribute!

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DME Resources Newsletter

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Well, what I can tell you is that your information will not be shared. See my Privacy Policy.

NOTE: Members of my site are NOT auto-subscribed or un-subscribed from this newsletter; they must manually Opt-In/Out.

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