Pirated Software - Ethics Matter

Pirated software is not something most digital forensic examiners would consider as an option when processing case work, whether they’re certified in their area of expertise or just starting out in their discipline. That’s what I believe, anyway.

Unfortunately, it would appear to me that the same cannot be said for all digital evidence software companies that provide solutions to Government & Law Enforcement; sadly, many of those are all about profit($). Ethics matter, IMHO. In fact, most certification organizations for digital evidence related disciplines require those who apply for certification to adhere to a Code of Ethics.

So, let me ask you this:

If you’re a technician/analyst in digital forensics, familiar with the vast multitude of open source & freeware related projects in your field, and you recommend the purchase of a software solution that clearly calls out by name several familiar freeware and/or open source projects, yet the solution you recommended purchasing states in their license agreement that they’re entirely privately developed…AND…provides no reference to any of the open source and/or freeware projects, as required by licensing agreements…

Who is responsible for you, your organization and ALL related casework using illegally distributed software?

Just curious.

All the best my friends.

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