Sarcastic Much?

A close friend shared something with me a few years ago. Something he said to his therapist when they asked "Why did you choose to focus on child exploitation, and why would you do such a thing for so long (much of it, on his own time)?"

You've heard the answer before, but maybe, just maybe, if you read all my posts from this weekend, you'll get it.

"If not me, then who?"

I don't see anyone else working for free doing this. Nobody else creating their own jobs. Jobs that never existed before, until they made others realize somebody needed to be doing these jobs.

I don't recall others stepping up and saying "Please, give me more to do for less or no money, and fewer benefits!"

Oh, I see volunteers. I know there are millions of others like us.  But clearly, you're missing the point.

For him, me and others like us...this is all about "me".

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