Spring Cleaning Brings A New Look

The last three or four weeks I have been absolutely swamped, and unfortunately have had little time to contribute to the Media-Geek community.  Despite my schedule others have kept things moving forward by adding articles and other content, and new members continue to join almost daily as the word spreads about our shared resource.  Although there are many things on my to-do list for Media-Geek regarding further development and maintenance, as well as several articles and blog posts I've been meaning to write, this weekend I spent some time doing a little Spring cleaning.

Initially I intended to spend a few hours addressing some maintenance tasks and reorganizing menus to simplify navigation.  Before it was all said and done I had spent nearly my entire weekend completely re-designing the site.  Go figure.  Anyway, along the way I made a few notable changes that are worth mentioning.

First, I changed the order of our main menu and moved the "Member Menu" to the far left next to the "Home" link.  Mostly a cosmetic change, but notable because I also removed the "Help" menu from the main menu bar and located it under the "Member Menu".  Additionally, I removed a few options from the members "Quick Menu" and added a few links to "Submit Content" sub-menu for adding and uploading videos.

As you may have noticed from the related newsflash posted earlier, I've also added the ability for members to upload videos to our video library. While there are some limitations, particularly the 8MB file size limit, the capability is sure to be useful as it's further developed.

I hope you find the new layout more user friendly and encourage members to check back often, as there are many other much more exciting developments in the works.  Thanks for participating, and remember to tell your peers and colleagues to Sing-up, Sign-In, and Contribute!

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