It has been an amazing and incredibly busy summer for me and my family. I briefly mentioned in a previous post that we moved at the beginning of summer, which was entirely unplanned by the way (!), and no sooner than that was behind us more curve balls were thrown our way. We’ve been so busy swinging as hard as we can to try and knock those balls out of the park that it’s impacted how active I’ve been here on DME Resources. The short of it is this, I am still committed to our online training library and hope to be posting regularly here again soon. With that said, two quick topics to discuss.
DVR Recovery Training Follow Up – Anaheim, CA
Last week I was in Anaheim, CA to teach Ocean System’s DVR Assessment & Video Recovery Course at the Anaheim Police Department. It was another great group of students including seasoned DME technicians and analysts, computer forensic experts, and some people completely new to DCCTV and digital evidence recovery. The information sharing with such a diverse group is priceless. Many thanks to all of those who attended.
The weather last week was incredibly warm even for southern California, so much so that it overwhelmed the facility’s HVAC system making it a bit warm in class one afternoon. Anaheim PD was quick to address the issue though, and I want to thank them for hosting the training and for their efforts to make sure everyone was as comfortable as possible during the heat wave.
Honeywell RapidEye Player for .REM Files
Many DCCTV system manufacturers allow their viewing and playback software to be freely distributed; others, however, do not. In my experience, most of these manufacturers believe they’re doing law enforcement a favor by limiting their playback software distribution, and thereby limiting who can view the file (or so they believe). Unfortunately, some make it down right difficult even for law enforcement to get access to the software required to view their DCCTV evidence. Why? Good question.
Recently a colleague indicated they were in need of the Honeywell RapidEye player in order to play back Honeywell’s proprietary .REM video files. This individual noted that they were having to “jump through hoops” to get the player from Honeywell, and also noted that it was not available via our member’s area downloads here at DME Resources. The latter I can tell you first hand is true; we have links to Honeywell’s site, but we do not store a copy of their software or have direct links to it on their site, like we do with most others.
Not ideal to have to jump through hoops to get the proper software to playback your evidence, but not cool sharing someone else's software without their permission either.
Thanks for your valuable time and continued participation. Be safe out there!