Upcoming Topics: The Illusion of Privacy (January) & Work/Life Balance (February)

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year my friends!  Just a quick note to pass along season's greetings and give you a heads up regarding upcoming topics for my podcast, Nerds & Non/Sense™ .

In our January, 2020 episodes we'll be discussing The Illusion of Privacy.  Cambridge Analytica, "The Great Hack" documentary on Netflix, the Best Selling book "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" and chatting about how metadata about your daily activities is used to not only predict, but influence your behavior.  How you are the commodity, and most of you still don't even understand the extent to which you've facilitated this.

In our February, 2020 episodes we'll be discussing Work/Life Balance.  Mandatory professional therapy and mental health resources & evaluations for digital evidence practitioners, and how they should be mandated in ALL agency SOPs, IMHO.

Since leaving Twitter & Facebook last month, I've been throwing all of my sarcasm & commentary out publicly via our podcast's Patreon Community posts.  Anyone can view and comment on the public posts, but there is no RSS feed for them...unless you become a patron by donating to support the show.  

All patrons are provided with an individualized private RSS feedThis allows me to provide our patron benefits & exclusive content, securely & cost effectively...without ads...without consumerism...without Google, Facebook, Twitter or other similar gluttonous and morally defunct platforms. In fact, it's how I've run my websites since the late '90's, pretty much.

Anyway, I truly hope you're surrounded by those you love this holiday season and encourage you to go "Off Grid" and make the most of time with family & friends.  Thanks for yet another amazing year of helping me help so many others!  Your participation and support here has always been and continues to be, greatly appreciated. 

All the best in the New Year to you & yours! 😎

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DME Resources Newsletter

Sign-up for the DME Resources"I may occasionally send an email" newsletter. Maybe quarterly? Semi-annually?

Well, what I can tell you is that your information will not be shared. See my Privacy Policy.

NOTE: Members of my site are NOT auto-subscribed or un-subscribed from this newsletter; they must manually Opt-In/Out.

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