When Will Web Meetings Make More Sense?

$5.00/gallon? $10.00/gallon? Maybe Web meetings will be more socially acceptable in the business world when gas prices have completely crippled our economy and there's practically no such thing as a small business anymore. I, for one, certainly hope we don't have to wait and see.

Online meeting services are certainly nothing new, yet every time gas prices reach a new high they're all the buzz, and rightfully so. Unfortunately, after a few months of feeling like you're being robbed at the pump, they seem to slip off the to-do list for most. Why is that?

Rarely have I ever heard those who oppose using them argue that they're too costly (*Is free cheap enough?*). The most common argument is that they're not as personal and "hands-on". Although it's certainly not funny, it is sort of comical that the latter is the exact same argument many used 10 or 15 years ago regarding email in the business environment.

We need to make some dramatic changes in our society relating to our reliance on oil. Period. Online meeting services allow us to see each other, hear each other, collaborate on documents, privately chat, give presentations, share applications or even share/remote control entire desktops. Why are we still driving across the town, city, county or state to meet multiple times per day or several times per week?!?

I've been using online meeting services for my personal needs and private business since the introduction of Webex, which I believe was 7 or 8 years ago. When Webex was first released, they provided a free personal account with limited seating. They've long since done away with the free accounts, but still remain very cost effective at $39 - $49/mo. for unlimited meetings with up to 10 participants.

GoToMeeting is very much like Webex in many ways, to include its pricing. They claim that their solution is more user friendly and secure, providing "true end-to-end encryption". Truth be told, I think they're both pretty idiot proof. GoToMeeting's basic plan is also $39 - $49/mo. for unlimited meetings (depending on whether month-to-month or annual subscription); however, their basic service will accommodate up to 15 participants.

Lately I've been using Adobe's Acrobat Connect, quite simply because the basic account is free. The free version will only accommodate up to 3 total parties, but for most of my needs that's enough, as there are generally multiple attendees at one facility; in this case, those attendees are in their conference room with the Web meeting projected on a screen and we're all good. The free version does not permit full-screen desktop sharing; again, no biggie for me though...so what if my desktop has a window border around it? The one thing that may be an issue for some is that both the free and standard versions do not provide a means to record your meetings. If you want to record meetings via Acrobat Connect you have to upgrade to Pro.

There are other Web meeting solutions out there, some that are hosted solutions and some that are not. If you or your company are not using any of these solutions, you need to reconsider. Do some homework on them, develop some brief guidelines regarding their use, and consider implementing a policy from the top down making their use mandatory for certain situations (e.g. eliminating unnecessary interoffice travel).

Let's be realistic. These services can save a ton of money, cut or even entirely eliminate travel for some, and subsequently improve productivity and efficiency for all. Don't worry folks, using them will not turn us into a bunch of unsociable, self-involved zombies; at least no more so than we already are.

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