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Color Management

  • Color management has historically been a weak area for the Linux desktop, but the situation is rapidly improving. Support for desktop-wide color management is being facilitated by projects like KDE's Oyranos and the GNOME Color Manager.

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  • If you're dealing with proprietary digital video regularly chances are you're doing screen captures.  It doesn't really matter what software you're using to do the screenshot or screen captures, but it can matter how you manage the color space once you've captured that image to your clipboard.

    Can your color management (or lack thereof) really have that big of an effect on the resulting image?  Well, the short answer is yes, it can have a considerable impact.  Could it possibly be the difference between whether or not a bad guy is apprehended?  If you consider fine details important, then the answer to that one is yes as well. 

    If you already manage color space and settings throughout your entire workflow, you can stop reading here...that is if you haven't already!  lol

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