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Data Privacy

  • Secure your hotspot or face a fine is the gist behind Westchester, NY's countywide law requiring all commercial businesses to secure their WLAN access points. Various news articles indicate that the state of New York is considering similar legislation (See ZDNet article dated 1/9/2007). Westchester's concern is "On these networks, there's unfettered access to confidential data, and we have a problem with that." Personally, I have a problem with county taxpayers funding the task of enforcing such nonsense.

  • The Supreme Court today is set to hear arguments surrounding a case involving so-called ’sexting’ on a company-owned pager, of which the decision they make could have broad implications for employee privacy rights in the workplace.

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  • Just finished reading the CNET article "Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages". As someone who has analyzed mobile devices and call records for law enforcement for many years, I'm not surprised at all that law enforcement wants service providers to store more data. As a citizen of the United States, I'm a bit surprised the public seems to be sleeping on this one.

    Make no mistake people, the issue under consideration here is whether or not you have the right to communicate via text message privately.

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