Free DME & DFIR Resources

There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
Working together we've expedited tens of thousands of criminal investigations.  Learn more

Vancouver PD

  • In support of LEVA member agency the Vancouver Police Department and the Integrated Riot Investigation Team (IRIT), LEVA announces the activation of the Forensic Video Analysis Response Team.

    IRIT investigators are inundated with over 1600 hours of video depicting criminal acts that took place immediately following this summer's Stanely Cup hockey finals, including arson, looting, and serious assaults.

    Between September 26th and October 9th over 40 LEVA Forensic Video Analysts will converge on the National Digital Multimedia Evidence Processing Lab at the University of Indianapolis to undertake the mass processing of DME.

    For further information please feel free to contact LEVA President Blaine Davison via email at

  • The Vancouver Police Department will be hosting a live press conference where Police Chief Chu will be announcing the number of recommended charges to-date related to the Integrated Riot Investigation Team (IRIT)'s investigation.  The press conference will be held Monday, October 31st at 10:30 PST.  You can watch the live stream at

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