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Codec Tweak Tool

Codec Tweak Tool

With this tool you can do things like:

  • Scan the registry to detect and remove broken references to codecs and filters.
  • Generate a detailed log of all installed codecs and DirectShow filters.
  • Enable/disable more than 250 popular codecs and filters (if they are installed).
  • Manage preferred source filters (a.k.a. splitters).
  • Reset settings.
  • Backup and restore settings.
  • Adjust preferred decoders on Windows 7/8/10/11.
  • Various tweaks for disabling MS codecs on Windows 7/8/10/11.
  • Has ability to set 64-bit WMP as default.


File Type: application/octet-stream
Created Date: 10-28-2023
Last Updated Date: 11-03-2023
Website: https://codecguide.com

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