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264-to-AVI Converter (.264)
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.264 to AVI converter from Swann supports the following models: DVRx 3000, 4000, 4200, 3200, 1425, 1450, 3425, 3450 , NVRx 7072, 7082 , 7085 Windows & MAC Playback software also available via Swann support.

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SVAT DVR Model 11010 CD (.264)
 58.41 MB
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SVAT DVR (Model 11010) mini-CD disc (.264 Files) - AVIGenerator v2 - Video Player v1.2.5 - Video Client v1.2.20 - MobileActiveX - PDF Manuals

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FormatCovert v3.1 (.264-to-AVI)
 9.52 MB
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FormatCovert is a program that can conver .264 or .mp4 video files into .avi, .wmv, .rm

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VirtualDub is a video processing utility created by Avery Lee and licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This package includes select input plugins, and the included READ ME lists and references each plugin's version and source. Download link is to file hosted in Dropbox.

(Newer versions of all included plugins exist, so see the readme file for details.)

Video Player v1.2.5 (.264)
 8.97 MB
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Generic Video Player plays .264 and .avi files.  Looks like same one used by Night Owl, Lorex and others.

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