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Shutter Encoder FEATURED
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"Shutter Encoder is one of the best video converter software, it handles images and audio too! It has been designed by video editors in order to be as accessible and efficient as possible. Shutter Encoder makes use of FFmpeg to handle its encoding, allowing support for almost every codec you’ve ever heard of, and many more you haven’t." - https://www.shutterencoder.com/en/

"my·FFmpeg with FFmpeg
A powerful FFmpeg GUI to convert high quality movies and more..
Focused on simplicity, my·FFmpeg brings a fresh approach to using the optional FFmpeg, to create ultra high quality movies without the need to write any single command-line code. Making it the best video converter available for Windows." - http://myffmpeg.com/index.html

Free Trial provides 5 free sessions. Full license currently less than $24.00 USD.

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