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Working together we've expedited tens of thousands of criminal investigations.  Learn more

Windows 8 will introduce a slew of interesting features, but will they benefit you?

Upgrades, system migration, support headaches -- IT folks are probably dreading the next major Windows rollout. Yet Windows 8, which is scheduled to move to the beta stage in late February and will likely launch in the fall, does offer several compelling new features for both IT and end users.

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Complete Omnivore Training
Secured, Password Protected USB Drive - No Windows Administration Rights Required.

Omnivore is a secure, password protected 32GB USB thumb drive that contains specialized digital video & image capture software that runs directly from the drive so there are no administrative rights required to operate it. With Omnivore you can easily capture digital video and images into uncompressed formats directly from the system that recorded the media. With each capture, Omnivore generates a complete, easy-to-read capture report, which documents your work.

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Well, maybe you are, but not if you're basing it on not being able to enter the proper Captcha code on our forms.  I was notified of an issue with our Google ReCAPTCHA yesterday and am working to resolve it.  I hope to have the issue resolved this weekend and will update once I do.  Thanks for your patience and understanding. ;)

Among the announcements made at today's Google I/O keynote is WebM, a new open-source, royalty-free video format based around the VP8 codec intended for use with HTML5 video. The WebM project's goal is to develop "a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone." The project has the backing of Google, Mozilla, Opera, and numerous other companies. If it catches, on, it could settle the rift that currently exists with HTML5 video support, thus speeding up HTML5 adoption.

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Absolutely nothing, and I'll say it again. Absolutely nothing.

The more eyes on you, the more you're likely to be someone else's next target. Trust me on this one, please.

Fame doesn't equate to money. Fame doesn't equate to success. Nor happiness. Nor balance. Nor worth. Nor intelligence. And if you think it does, boy are you in for a surprise.

Keep your head down, dummy, unless you are intentionally trying to draw enemy fire.

Good luck with that. 😎

Hey folks, good news...I finally got around to posting a new "Getting Started" tutorial for members! Far from my best work, but it should be helpful for new members or those still learning their way around our new layout.

You'll need to be logged in to the site to access the tutorials. Once you are, simply click the "Help" link from the main menu, then "Tutorials" from the sub-menu directly beneath the main menu. Too many clicks for 'ya? Fine, click here.

Photoshop has grown into a very powerful and capable platform for working with video since the capability was introduced in CS3 Extended. I’ve dabbled with it over the years, but despite its impressive capabilities I always end up going with what I know best, relying on other video editing tools for most video related tasks. Well, this old dog is always trying to learn new tricks that improve efficiencies in my various personal and professional workflows, so I’ve been making an effort to explore Photoshop’s video capabilities more often.

* Updated with Corrected Images & Explanations. 

After the break you'll find several images of a bogus Person of Interest (PoI) that were recorded by a DCCTV system. Two different analog CCTV cameras with built-in IR illuminators were connected to the black-box, h.264 DVR. These JPG images were exported from the DVR’s proprietary player. All of these images exported at 704 pixels by 480 pixels. When the recorded video is played back via the proprietary player it is displayed at 630 x 455; however, analysis of the proprietary file and exported AVI files reveals both of those contain a 704 x 480 video stream.

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to:

  • Describe the PoI’s clothing items from these images as you would for producing a BOLO. Note any issues that may affect your description.
  • Identify the single most important correction that should be made to these images prior to printing. (BONUS - Why does this correction need to be made, and what tipped you off to it?)

If you’ve taken one of my recovery classes or attended one of my presentations on the topic at a LEVA conference or other event, you may have seen these examples.

Contrast ratio is the most important aspect of a TV's performance. More than any other single metric, a set's contrast ratio will be the most noticeable difference between two TVs.
That is, if you could juxtapose them. Which you can't. Or if you could compare their claimed specs. Which you can't.

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