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There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
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Bugs are a way of life in software--fortunately, so are bug fixes. Earlier this week, Adobe released Photoshop 12.0.1, which brings a number of stability enhancements to the professional image-editing software, including several specifically related to 64-bit operation on Mac OS X.
Though Adobe says that CS5 is more stable than its predecessor, CS4, there's always room for improvement. The 12.0.1 update addresses a number of issues that could cause slow performance, as well as several common crashing bugs, user interface and workspace issues, font-related crashes, and several painting-related issues, including problems with video layers.

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There ARE Non-square samples, and their shape IS NOT dependent on the # of scanning lines. There are also Non-Square picture elements in CCD and CMOS image sensors, but their electrical charge is never converted to digital in an analog CCTV camera.

Back in the day there actually were Non-Square pixel-based displays, but they were only used for special applications and are not found in the wild today.

If you are aware of a standard that defines the shape of 480i (NTSC) or 576i (PAL) non-square samples differently than through the use of the luminance sampling frequencies, please bring that to my attention. Thank you.

POSITION INFORMATION -  Positions allocable to this class perform specialized photographic work for the District Attorney's Bureau of Investigation.

ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS -Takes photographs in various formats (e.g., still, digital, and black and white)
utilizing video and/or photographic equipment in order to assist deputy district attorneys with specific case needs.
Develops and prints photographs using the Noritsu photographic and film processing system for use as evidence in criminal prosecution.

For further information log-in to see the attached PDF file or contact Jack Nadelle.

In the last few weeks, we've added several new features and content areas to Media-Geek, and more are on the way. Some of these updates are specific to our members only area, while others are available to both the public and private sections of the site; such as our new customizable home page.

By default, the new home page displays recent articles from a few of our content areas, such as Member Articles, Media-Geek News, Larry C.'s Blog, and Newsflashes. Both members and visitors can change the number of articles that are displayed on the home page for each of these areas, and they can also re-order the way in which they are displayed using the drag-n-drop icon in the upper-right corder of the display for each area.

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Last week I was back in Albany, NY to provide a free seminar on digital video evidence at the New York State Police Academy, followed by Ocean Systems 3-day DVR Assessment & Video Recovery training course. It was a sold-out class comprised of both students new to the field, as well as very seasoned digital and video evidence technicians and analysts. The end result was a really great week of training and peer networking. Many thanks to all of those who attended, and special thanks to the New York State Police (NYSP) for hosting both events!

The NYSP had a new academy class under way as well, with approximately 250 new recruits marching to-and-from the various classrooms within their renovated facilities. It was very cool to see so much activity at the academy again throughout the entire week. Best of luck to all the recruits in training. Hang in there and regardless of the outcome, thanks for stepping up to the plate!

We live in a world with an embarrassingly wonderful variety of choices when it comes to processors, monitors, video cards, and other components that make up the computers and devices we use every day. As a user, this variety is great because it encourages vendors to innovate and compete with one another, creating progressively more awesome hardware. As a programmer, this same variety is challenging because each vendor’s components use their own proprietary programming models and interfaces.

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This year the Consumer Electronics Show, in early January, is shaping up to be the year of the tablet. Yet the most (some would say “only”) successful tablet to date is the one that won’t be at CES. Apple sold 7.5 million iPads in the first six months and no doubt millions more this holiday season. Its shadow will hangs over the show, forcing a wide range of companies–chipmakers, computer hardware and consumer electronics companies, software developers and wireless carriers–to announce plans for tablets. Here’s what I’m expecting to see.

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Trying to snap a shot of your cherry red Mazda, but can't keep your hands still? You'll find all the tech you need to smooth things out in an iPhone 4 or (MotionPlus-equipped) Nintendo Wiimote. Experimenting with 6DOF inertial measurement sensor packages, scientists at Microsoft Research have developed a software algorithm that literally records your exposure-destroying shake via accelerometer and gyroscope, then magically removes the blur by canceling it out.

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Johnny Cash. The Man in Black.

He wrote this song one day while in Binghamton, NY to do a show.

I'm pretty familiar with Binghamton, and can totally understand why Johnny felt this way on that day.

I felt this way a lot of days in Binghamton, and I know that courthouse pretty well too (Even the tunnel beneath it).

Anyway, life is about moments, my friends. Make the most of moments.

Sending ❤

Apple has released the anticipated OS X 10.6.7 update, after weeks of developer build seeds that were issued with no new features or fixes. The update is available in the normal versions of delta and combo updaters for both the client and server versions of OS X, and should be available via Software Update for most people. This update is especially important for owners of the new 2011 MacBook Pro systems because it addresses a graphics bug that caused hangs and crashes under heavy graphics load.

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