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You can find a good printing resolution tutorial by Ben Long at From the intro: While Facebook, Flickr, email, and other online sources are great ways to show and share photos, at some point you'll probably want to make a print of an image. (For one thing, an archival print is still the most durable way to preserve photos.) Whether you print it yourself using a desktop photo printer, or send your images to an online service, you're going to have to size your image and choose a resolution.

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I probably should’ve just dropped the mic after the last post, but we’re going to continue on. I’m not one for dropping names, and in this case I don’t have to either. Everyone has gotten this wrong at some point, and I mean everyone. The people working on related standards; the people making the world’s leading non-linear professional editing systems; the people who make a living professionally processing and transcoding video; the people making multimedia playback software; the people making DCCTV systems; the people making operating systems; and yes, even forensic video and digital evidence technicians and analysts. We’re all human, my friends. It is a long, convoluted, complex process with its very foundation based on sampling an analog signal.

By Ryan Paul

Mozilla has announced the availability of Firefox 4 beta 8, a new pre-release milestone build of the open source Web browser. Beta 8 brings better support for WebGL and introduces an improved setup process for Firefox Sync that simplifies the steps for configuring the synchronization service across multiple devices.

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This week the SWGDE released a couple of new DRAFT documents for public comment relating to DME acquisition. The links below are directly to the related PDF documents. For more information please visit

Hey folks, good news...I finally got around to posting a new "Getting Started" tutorial for members! Far from my best work, but it should be helpful for new members or those still learning their way around our new layout.

You'll need to be logged in to the site to access the tutorials. Once you are, simply click the "Help" link from the main menu, then "Tutorials" from the sub-menu directly beneath the main menu. Too many clicks for 'ya? Fine, click here.

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