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Another new feature has been added for members that I hope will further facilitate information sharing and member communication - the ability to add comments to all articles & newsflashes.  But wait, there's more..not only can you add comments, you can subscribe to comment threads via email or RSS feeds!  Wouldn't it be helpful though if you could also leave comments on files and programs added to our new document library?  Well today's your lucky day, 'cause I had way too much coffee and managed to get that working too.  😲

I've added two links to manage your comments and comment subscriptions, one to the main member menu and one to the quick menu (right-hand side of the page).  This is also where members will manage their favorites.  For each article, file, or program added to the site member's will notice the "Set as Favorite" link located at the bottom of the post; simply click the link to add that item to your favorites list.  A few other notable updates include...

A producer for Discovery ID recently reached out to me looking for cases to research for the upcoming 4th season of Discovery ID's "See No Evil"program. They are looking for "cases whereby surveillance footage was key to cracking a mysterious homicide case."  This could be a case you recently worked on which has now been through the courts, or it might be a historical case from 10 or 15 years ago. At this stage, they are merely looking for interesting cases to research, and stated they'd of course go through proper channels to obtain media should the case pass their initial research stage.

For more information please log-in to the members area and see the related Forum post, which contains the producer's contact details.

Wow, who'd a thunk it. We're officially 400 strong..."and groooowing"! That would've been hilarious if you could hear me sing it. Well, maybe not. Anywho, a big thank you to everyone for their support and participation in the Media-Geek community so far!

A small investment of time and knowledge from a great many, typically far exceeds the value of a large investment of time and knowledge from a select few; some of you have already helped to prove that point here. On behalf of myself and all of the other members who have benefited from your contributions to our community, thank you! (I know, you would've preferred cash. No need to write in and tell me.)

It's the video millennium. Every modern mobile phone is a video camera and a video player. Video displays are everywhere, from taxicabs to endcaps. Webcams perch like pigeons on every major tourist destination in the world. So it's no surprise that video sharing has become an industry, and that legal controversy has followed. The Southern District of New York recently announced its much-anticipated decision in Viacom International Inc. v. YouTube Inc., 2010 WL 2532404 (S.D.N.Y. June 23, 2010), granting summary judgment in favor of YouTube. The decision breaks no new ground, but it continues a trend: Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, owners of copyrights to videos will have the burden of policing the internet.

Full story:

Absolutely nothing, and I'll say it again. Absolutely nothing.

The more eyes on you, the more you're likely to be someone else's next target. Trust me on this one, please.

Fame doesn't equate to money. Fame doesn't equate to success. Nor happiness. Nor balance. Nor worth. Nor intelligence. And if you think it does, boy are you in for a surprise.

Keep your head down, dummy, unless you are intentionally trying to draw enemy fire.

Good luck with that. 😎

Just finished reading the CNET article "Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages". As someone who has analyzed mobile devices and call records for law enforcement for many years, I'm not surprised at all that law enforcement wants service providers to store more data. As a citizen of the United States, I'm a bit surprised the public seems to be sleeping on this one.

Make no mistake people, the issue under consideration here is whether or not you have the right to communicate via text message privately.

The Journal Gazette reports that the Fort Wayne police have released security video from an armed robbery that occurred last week at the McDonald’s at 1103 Goshen Ave. in Ft. Wayne, Indiana

The video is available on YouTube and is also playing on our home page. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 436-7867 or 1-800-237-7867. All information is confidential.

It seems like an easy question, and when posed as such those asking it clearly want make & model info so they can just add one to their wish list or pull the trigger and purchase it.  Purchasing a PC for almost any need should take a little more thought than that though, especially when it comes to multimedia processing needs.

Review Application Requirements

Understanding the hardware requirements for the software applications you intend to leverage is key.  Minimum specs, GPU & I/O driver support of course, and more should be taken into consideration.  This is also a great time to consider improvements throughout your multimedia workflows, looking for opportunities to save even more time with a new configuration (e.g. transcoding, data transfer, storage & backup efficiencies, etc.).

Moments ago, I completed several updates and upgrades to the Media-Geek community. While most of them where behind the scenes type of stuff, there were some new features introduced that members might find interesting, such as:

  • Photo and video support for groups - Group members can now upload photos and videos to be shared among fellow group members.
  • Photo Tagging - Users can now tag their friends in any of their photos
  • Community Content Sharing - Users can now easily share their videos, photos, group bulletins and discussions with all the major social bookmarking services (digg, delicious, Stumbleupon, etc) as well as social networks like Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, LinkedIn, and more!
  • Friend Suggest - Users can instantly expand their network by adding friends with our 'Friend Suggest' tool
  • Wall Post Notifications - Get notified when someone posts a new message or responds to an old message on your wall.

Various layout issues and minor bugs were addressed as well during the upgrade process, but as with all Web sites it will always be a work in progress. If you stumble across a problem or have a questions/recommendation, as always, simply shoot me a note or post it to the member forums. Thanks for participating!

CCTV cameras across London help solve almost six crimes a day, the Metropolitan Police (Met) has said.

Det Ch Insp Mick Neville, who heads the Met's identification unit, said CCTV images were "treated like fingerprints and DNA" by the force.

The number of suspects who were identified using the cameras went up from 1,970 in 2009 to 2,512 this year.

Full story:

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