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Some more offline comments and testing recently have raised a critical issue; the use of Square Pixel Sampling and Non-Square Sample Formats. Before that though, let's talk about validation testing. When we get to this level of detail especially, it is important to validate our processing, tools, and complete process. Correcting Aspect Ratio is certainly no exception. In fact, I think we would all agree that when this level of detail really matters, you must validate. Lots of great resources out there about that topic.

Back in May of this year Google announced Wave at their developer conference, and the social Web has been buzzing about Wave frantically ever since. Some love the concept, others are unimpressed and have nothing positive to say; I refer to the latter as schmucks (just saying). So, personally, I see big things coming from this browser-based collaboration tool, but who knows when. If you're not familiar with Google Wave yet, check out this video.

If you didn't get in on the private BETA of SlideRocket through one of our private invitations, they've officially announced the public BETA and are now taking all comers.   With the latest release SlideRocket also pushed out collaboration, allowing multiple users per account to share presentation media, slides, etc...

Check 'em out at or to go straight to their sign-up form click here.

Adobe on Wednesday announced a major redesign of its free online editing tools at, giving consumers one less reason to BitTorrent the real McCoy. The suite of rich Web apps has been redesigned, renamed, and reorganized to make sharing and editing photos online easier. But the real improvement to these tools is easy access: The Photoshop Express Editor is now open to all visitors--no sign-up or sign-in required.

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LEVA Shield AwardsLEVA is proud to announce the Call For Entries for the 20th Annual Shield Video Awards competition, the only video competition designed exclusively for public safety professionals. Entries must be post-marked no later than Friday, July 3, 2009, and be received by July 10, 2009. Winners will be announced at the Shield Awards Banquet on November 20, 2009, during the 20th Annual LEVA Training and Development Conference in Ft. Worth, Texas. Visit for entry forms and further information.

This Friday, 9/30, is the cutoff date to be guaranteed a reservation in the LEVA block at the Coeur d'Alene Resort & Conference Center.

The 2011 Annual LEVA Training Conference returns to beautiful Coeur d'Alene this year and is just a few short weeks away. Click the links below for an updated conference schedule or to register today!

» 2011 LEVA Conference Schedule (PDF)
» Register Today!

The browser war rages on and new versions are being released at a break-neck pace. Unfortunately, for Web developers at least, each new version seems to introduce multiple changes that not only affect how pages are displayed, but how and if various features in a site will even function. It's madness I tell 'ya.

Anyway, since I started using Safari as my primary browser, I've been looking for another WYSIWYG editor for our members, because in Safari with TinyMCE set as your editor members couldn't use the Submit or Cancel buttons when attempting to submit articles, news, or events. Long story short I've found one, I'm using it right now, and I'm diggin' it so far.


This really should come as no surprise to folks in our industry, as Apple's support of QuickTime on Windows has waned over many years. It's also important to understand that I.T. is going to take a global approach to the new vulnerabilities, and will likely force removal of QuickTime from all hosts they control/manage. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to explain to them why you are an exception, and to learn more about the available options and solutions to address your environment and needs. There are options.

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