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EXT4 is a next generation file system replacement for the EXT2/EXT3 family of Linux file systems. It was accepted as "stable" in the Linux 2.6.28 kernel in October 2008[1]. As of this writing, it's starting to appear as the default file system in newer versions of several Linux distros. While the developers did try to maintain some degree of backwards compatibility with EXT2/EXT3, there is quite a bit that's new and different with EXT4. Popular forensic tools like the Sleuthkit are not fully compatible with these changes in EXT4, although some of their functionality does still work.

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It's after 4:00 am in the morning and I'm writing about codecs.  That isn't right.  Just curious what lossless video codecs others are using or have used and/or compared for forensic screen capture?  I'm sure the most common answer will be TechSmith's TSCC, but there are others out there that work quite nicely and are priced just right....FREE.

I posted a new member poll on the topic, which you'll find on the right-hand side of your profile page.  Also recently added the free LZO and GZIP based CamStudio codec to our files & downloads library and have been fiddling with some others.    Are you using something else, or do you prefer to keep all captures uncompressed?


George Reis, member and well respected digital imaging author/instructor, has posted a brief survey on law enforcement's use of digital asset management systems. George is working on an article pertaining to the topic, which he will make available via his Website in a few weeks.
Click here to take the brief survey.

If you haven't already, you should check out George's book on using Photoshop CS3 in your forensic workflow...simply click on the image to the right to visit for further details.

Whew. What a week so far! So many balls up in the air yet, but so many exciting things to come.

Details regarding my new Online Training Library will be released as they're firmed up over the next couple of months, with the first DME related training modules anticipated to be available in early 2014.

Several instructors have been added to the Instructors List the last few days, and more are anticipated over the coming weeks. Take a minute to check out the new instructor profiles!

What's the best way to deter a thief? Ruin the spoils, of course. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint have agreed to a broad outline that will culminate in the creation of a central database for stolen cellphones. The goal? To block lifted units from functioning on US shores. Over the next six months, each firm will build out its own stolen device database for integration into a larger, central database, said a Wall Street Journal source, with regional carriers joining the effort over the following two years.

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In planning video production sessions for the November LEVA conference, LEVA would like to know what system you use to produce videos. For example, Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, Avid, Adobe Premiere, etc. It will help us tailor subject areas that helps ensure the best possible training is provided.

Please direct your responses and any other suggested production topics to Mr. Jan Garvin, LEVA Training VP at

I recently posted another brief tutorial for members which gives a quick overview of the various options and settings related to sharing your profile and content with non-members.  Topics briefly discussed in this tutorial include your profile URL, availability settings for your profile and storage space, as well as the new profile "badge" and invitation features.

As you may know, all member tutorials are available via the Help menu once you sign in.  Additionally, I've recently added all of our tutorials to the "Training Videos" category in our Video Library.  Should you have any questions or comments, as always, please post them to the member forums, shoot me a PM, or feel free to use our contact form.  Thanks for participating, and remember to tell your peers & colleagues to Sign-Up, Sign-In, and Contribute!

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