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I'll be the first to admit that I've been slacking on keeping members up-to-date here the last couple of years, as I was traveling extensively to do what I love; teaching & sharing information with other DME professionals around the world, among other life changes/challenges. One thing the pandemic has facilitated for me is the opportunity to be more active here again, and I've been doing my best to take advantage of that time.

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HP made some big product announcements today that I've been patiently waiting for.  My patience is wearing thin though, as the two devices I am most anxious to get my hands on won't be out until this summer.  I was a bit peeved earlier when I heard that, but there's no doubt I'll wait rather than jump ship to another OS (he says as he writes this post from his original Palm Pre).

For those who have spent any time with all of the major mobile operating systems, it has been clear from day one webOS has the most potential.  True multi-tasking is a biggie, and nobody does it better.

Yes, I'll wait for the Pre 3 and HP Touchpad, but I'd better get a nice loyalty discount HP! 😉

Here's more (with video & pics) from CNET -

From teaching classes over the years I frequently hear that many agencies are using Photoshop 6 and 7, Paint, Photoshop Elements, Microsoft Picture It and other applications due to the lack of funds to purchase upgrades. There is nothing wrong using some of the older versions but there are several functions that the older versions do not support, like high bit depth processing, limited color space/model options and the lack of more sophisticated image processing algorithms (de-convolution, pattern removal using FFT).  I also understand that many agencies who would love to have PS CS3 Extended with all of the great plugins that have been developed will never get the funds to make these purchases.

One solution to the funding issue is Image J ( Image J is a free, open source application provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  I not only have used this application for case work but to learn more about digital image processing algorithms. Image J is a very robust image processing and analysis tool set that has been referred to on the FVA list serve and recently in the book written by George Reis. This write-up is not a tutorial about Image J, it is meant to provide information about the application that may assist some readers.

Magnetic tape has been used as a storage medium continuously from one of the first contemporary computers onwards -- the UNIVAC, in 1951. That gives it 60 years of unbroken use, from gigantic reel-to-reel rolls of the stuff to tape cartridges that might one day hold 70 terabytes apiece.

Full story:

Adobe has published its roadmap for its Flash browser plugin and its AIR desktop application counterpart. More releases, more features, and more performance, are all planned, but on fewer platforms: Adobe is giving up entirely on supporting smartphone browsers, sticking to the core desktop platforms for its plugin—and with a big question mark when it comes to Windows 8.

Read full story >

January 26-29, 2010 the Corona Police Department will host the Ocean Systems training course "Forensic Video Analysis - FVA 101, Introduction to Forensic Video Analysis".

The learning environment consists of lectures and hands-on exercises designed to allow the analyst to become familiar with the dTective system while working on real cases. Class is limited to 10 students so click here to find out more and get registered today!

On Windows 7 and Windows 8 the default skin for Windows Media Player overlays the playback controls on top of the playback window, much like many Flash or HTML5 player skins. If you prefer the classic/corporate skin look, it's still there and only takes a few clicks to get just have to dig a little. Click here for Microsoft's Windows Support post on the topic.

Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.

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