AFMA Letter to Media-Geek Members

Dear Media-Geek members:

You clearly represent a group of professionals who would add value to our newly formed Association of Forensic Multimedia Analysis (AFMA). Our shared goal is to improve the effectiveness of Forensic Multimedia Analysts. This group includes anyone who analyzes or processes multimedia evidence, including images, video, audio and digital data.

The AFMA will:

  • Board certify Forensic Multimedia Analysts
  • Promote standards within the community
  • Encourage collaboration within the community
  • Promote education and professional development

The AFMA has recently been created and is currently reviewing proposed bylaws. Members can review and comment on these bylaws at We are looking for members to participate in our process of getting this new group off the ground and serve on various committees within the organization.

If you would like to participate please email us at If you know any qualified professionals please pass this letter to them.

Thank you for considering participation in this new organization.


The AFMA Board of Directors

Sam Burgiss - Charles Pruitt - Dorothy Stout - Laura Teodosio - Craig Thrane

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