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  • The Association for Forensic Multimedia Analysis (AFMA) officially announced the results of their first ever board of directors election. The five members elected to the board of directors were Dorothy Stout, Sam Burgiss, Chuck Pruitt, Laura Teodosio, and Craig Thrane.

    Those interested in becoming an AFMA member should send an email with the subject AFMA MEMBER REQUEST to After your request is made via email you will receive an invitation to the AFMA member's website.

  • The AFMA Board of Directors has recently completed a draft of the Bylaws for the organization. This is available on the AFMA network at for comment. This draft document will be available for comment for 30 days - any suggestions for updates or additions must be submitted within this timeframe. We ask that if you do submit changes or additions please write them in a form that can be easily amended to the document. For example, a change or addition should be submitted as: “Section 15.2 Any changes or additions will be written in the form of the document.”

  • Dear Media-Geek members:

    You clearly represent a group of professionals who would add value to our newly formed Association of Forensic Multimedia Analysis (AFMA). Our shared goal is to improve the effectiveness of Forensic Multimedia Analysts. This group includes anyone who analyzes or processes multimedia evidence, including images, video, audio and digital data.

  • The Association for Forensic Multimedia Analysis (AFMA) hosted a meeting & conference call on September 19th relating to further development of this new, independent organization for Video, Audio and Image Analysts. Over thirty industry professionals participated in the event, and discussion topics included such things as the organization's scope, purpose, and future direction. As detailed in an email distributed following the meeting:

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