will replace Media-Geek as of November 1st!

Can you believe it's been nearly 6 years since Media-Geek's official launch? Over 1,500 verified members worldwide, and together we've helped to expedite thousands of investigations. A true testament to what can be accomplished through open information & resource sharing within our disciplines.

In With the New
Earlier this year I started my own DME & IT consulting business, and on November 1st I will be launching my new business portal

All current Media-Geek member accounts will be migrated to my new site, where members will continue to enjoy free access to various DME resources, such as our DVR extension information.

Nothing. Your current credentials will be migrated to my new site.

Log-in to Media-Geek prior to November 1st and download any personal content that you've posted that you don't have a copy of or wish to keep.

If you don't want your account credentials migrated to my new site, log-in to Media-Geek and delete your account before October 26th. will replace Media-Geek as of November 1st! will provide a host of new DME services and solutions, to include:

  • An Instructor training management system for facilitating and tracking professional training, both traditional and on-line.
  • An on-line, self-paced, interactive training library, which will be developed over time by a multitude of certified forensic professionals and industry experts.
  • DME Technical Support. I will be providing on-demand technical support through a comprehensive Help Desk system, via a limited subscription basis.
  • Many of the information sharing and peer networking features you've come to know and love (minus some clutter).
  • - and more!


I'm excited to share the new site with you, but I need to get back to work in it! ;)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your valuable time and continued support. I hope you'll log-in and check out the new site November 1st!

All the best,

Larry A. Compton
Certified Digital & Multimedia Evidence Analyst
w: (509) 228-8332
c: (509) 879-4503

Smart Search

DME Resources Newsletter

Sign-up for the DME Resources"I may occasionally send an email" newsletter. Maybe quarterly? Semi-annually?

Well, what I can tell you is that your information will not be shared. See my Privacy Policy.

NOTE: Members of my site are NOT auto-subscribed or un-subscribed from this newsletter; they must manually Opt-In/Out.

Subscribe Today!