FREE Digital Video Evidence Seminar - Dec. 8th in Miami, FL

Ocean Systems will be providing a free 3-hour seminar entitled "From Acquisition to Prosecution: Understanding the Value & Challenges of Digital Video Evidence" on December 8th in Miami, FL. This free seminar provides helpful information for all of those involved in the digital video evidence chain, too include prosecutors, law enforcement command staff, first responders, support staff, as well as technicians and analysts.

It’s important to understand that just because you can play a video file, doesn’t mean that it’s playing accurately or correctly. Are you seeing all of the recorded information? Was the evidence collected using the best possible methods? Is the courtroom equipped to present video evidence properly? If any of these questions concern you, then attending this seminar is a must.

This free seminar is being hosted by the Miami-Dade Police Homeland Security Bureau. Pre-registration is required, so take a moment to Register Today! I hope to see you there. ;)

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