New Features - Photo Tagging and Group Photos/Videos

Moments ago, I completed several updates and upgrades to the Media-Geek community. While most of them where behind the scenes type of stuff, there were some new features introduced that members might find interesting, such as:

  • Photo and video support for groups - Group members can now upload photos and videos to be shared among fellow group members.
  • Photo Tagging - Users can now tag their friends in any of their photos
  • Community Content Sharing - Users can now easily share their videos, photos, group bulletins and discussions with all the major social bookmarking services (digg, delicious, Stumbleupon, etc) as well as social networks like Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, LinkedIn, and more!
  • Friend Suggest - Users can instantly expand their network by adding friends with our 'Friend Suggest' tool
  • Wall Post Notifications - Get notified when someone posts a new message or responds to an old message on your wall.

Various layout issues and minor bugs were addressed as well during the upgrade process, but as with all Web sites it will always be a work in progress. If you stumble across a problem or have a questions/recommendation, as always, simply shoot me a note or post it to the member forums. Thanks for participating!

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