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HP made some big product announcements today that I've been patiently waiting for.  My patience is wearing thin though, as the two devices I am most anxious to get my hands on won't be out until this summer.  I was a bit peeved earlier when I heard that, but there's no doubt I'll wait rather than jump ship to another OS (he says as he writes this post from his original Palm Pre).

For those who have spent any time with all of the major mobile operating systems, it has been clear from day one webOS has the most potential.  True multi-tasking is a biggie, and nobody does it better.

Yes, I'll wait for the Pre 3 and HP Touchpad, but I'd better get a nice loyalty discount HP! 😉

Here's more (with video & pics) from CNET -

The iTwin USB dongle isn’t new: it started life as a easy way to transfer files between two computers without a wire. It looks like two USB drives stuck together at the tail, and its it worked admirably moving files from one computer to another as if there was a hard cable between them. Well, it just added another awesome feature through software, which is real encryption for your Dropbox.

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It has been an amazing and incredibly busy summer for me and my family. I briefly mentioned in a previous post that we moved at the beginning of summer, which was entirely unplanned by the way (!), and no sooner than that was behind us more curve balls were thrown our way. We’ve been so busy swinging as hard as we can to try and knock those balls out of the park that it’s impacted how active I’ve been here on DME Resources. The short of it is this, I am still committed to our online training library and hope to be posting regularly here again soon. With that said, two quick topics to discuss.

The ongoing clash between plasma and LCD HDTVs (or rather, their owners) rivals classic tech wars such as Apple versus Microsoft and Nintendo versus Sega in its ability to destroy friendships and alienate loved ones. As with any good tech fight, however, the skirmishes that occur in review comments and home theater enthusiast forums across the Internet are typically characterized by fans exchanging glib one-liners (in this case, about black levels and refresh rates). And many of those one-liners haven't been updated since 2002.

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DMEpod, the new Digital Multimedia Evidence video podcast, will not be released this weekend as originally anticipated. Unfortunately, I just haven't had the time that I had previously planned to work on this project the last few weeks due to a number of variables. As it stands I'm hoping to pull off an early October launch.

The browser war rages on and new versions are being released at a break-neck pace. Unfortunately, for Web developers at least, each new version seems to introduce multiple changes that not only affect how pages are displayed, but how and if various features in a site will even function. It's madness I tell 'ya.

Anyway, since I started using Safari as my primary browser, I've been looking for another WYSIWYG editor for our members, because in Safari with TinyMCE set as your editor members couldn't use the Submit or Cancel buttons when attempting to submit articles, news, or events. Long story short I've found one, I'm using it right now, and I'm diggin' it so far.


LEVA is conducting a one week hands-on forensic video analysis program in Cheshire, England, June 15 – 19, 2009. The event is hosted by Key Forensic Services, a leading provider of forensic solutions in the United Kingdom.

Digital Video Evidence: The Quest for Accuracy and Reliability is developed for the beginner to advanced level analyst. This unique program is designed to share scientific techniques and methodologies employed to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of video evidence and to maintain its credibility in the courtroom.  For complete details click here.

At the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show today, Intel announced the release of its new series of processors, codenamed "Sandy Bridge." Loaded with features catering to games- and video-hungry users, the changes reflect that fact that consumers are responsible for 66 percent of Intel's revenue, a reversal from 2000, when enterprise consumers provided 71 percent of revenues.

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