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There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
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When Windows 8 launches later this year you'll be able to upgrade to the pro version of Microsoft's newest desktop OS for just $40 for a limited time. The deal will apply to a broad base of current Windows users including those running Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Microsoft had a similar offer during the launch of Windows 7 but this one is cheaper than its predecessor. (Windows 7 upgrades ranged from $50-$100 at launch.)

Read full story >

The Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA) is offering a $200 discount to government employees who sign-up to take two of their most highly sought after courses - Forensic Imaging Techniques and Photographic/Video Comparison.  The courses will be held back-to-back June 9 - 15 at the LEVA DME Lab, which is located at the University of Indianapolis.

Visit the LEVA Web site for complete details!

We've added another great feature for members that will further facilitate the efficient sharing of documents, images, videos, presentations, and even programs; a shared, categorized, document library. In addition to the personal files & images storage area allocated to each new member, the document library provides an organized, searchable, shared location for forensic related content. Content can be uploaded from your computer, added via a link to another server, or even imported from another server.

Additionally, you'll notice some minor changes to the Member Menu. A new "tab" has been created on the Member Menu called "Other FVA Resources", where you'll find the link to our shared DVR database, the FVA FTP server, as well as the FVA list-serv. We have more features planned and will also be working on some minor bugs that still exist with the Video Library, so be sure to check-in often for further developments.

One of the many reasons Cloud solutions are so attractive is because of the substantially lower capital investment costs to implement them, when compared to building your own solution. Many vendors are willing to give away equipment & services initially, knowing full well that once you're in their ecosystem they'll get their money back, tenfold. How can they be so confident? Well, generally because it'll cost far more than your agency can ever afford up front in order to leave their ecosystem/solution. That's their business model.

If you have a Dropbox account, you have Dropbox Replay.  I've been so impressed with the implementation, and I keep thinking of more ways to use it.  Obviously, you can invite others to comment on and review videos in your Dropbox account (Frame-level review with comments & annotations), but you can do so much more. 

One of the coolest features is the live review capabilities, IMHO.  In any case, rather than regurgitating all of their marketing stuff about it, here's a short video from Dropbox. 😎

So sleepy. My head won't stop. It's literally throbbing. Migraine. Perfect.

Sorry, I do that, ramble on about me & how I'm feeling a lot. I'm working on it, give me time. Anyway, you ready? Drum roll please...

Work both East coast & West coast hours, you silly goose. Bam! More hours in a day.

See, I am a mathematical genius, I think, based on some past experiences. Or maybe it's just my OCD. I can't say for sure, because nobody every told me why they came to me. Nobody explained any of the crazy sh** going on, and why me?

To this day, I have no answers. I know I'm good at math. I know I'm good at problem solving. I know technology things.

I also know I'm a much better team player these days, after 35 years of being a self-centered prick.

This Friday, 9/30, is the cutoff date to be guaranteed a reservation in the LEVA block at the Coeur d'Alene Resort & Conference Center.

The 2011 Annual LEVA Training Conference returns to beautiful Coeur d'Alene this year and is just a few short weeks away. Click the links below for an updated conference schedule or to register today!

» 2011 LEVA Conference Schedule (PDF)
» Register Today!

The browser war rages on and new versions are being released at a break-neck pace. Unfortunately, for Web developers at least, each new version seems to introduce multiple changes that not only affect how pages are displayed, but how and if various features in a site will even function. It's madness I tell 'ya.

Anyway, since I started using Safari as my primary browser, I've been looking for another WYSIWYG editor for our members, because in Safari with TinyMCE set as your editor members couldn't use the Submit or Cancel buttons when attempting to submit articles, news, or events. Long story short I've found one, I'm using it right now, and I'm diggin' it so far.


A great overview on the history of aspect ratio. I was going to link it to our library, but apparently I have to update the code for the Vimeo videos. Ugh. I'll get to it, just seems my to-do list is a bit like the NTFS $ only grows, never shrinks! ;)

The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio from on Vimeo.

A few months ago, my wife got up on a Sunday morning at 3:30am and stood in line at Toys-R-Us to pick up a Nintendo Wii for our son.  Neither her or I have every done anything like that before and trust me when I tell you she's not a morning person, so I was absolutely amazed that she not only got up that early, but even more so that she stood in line in the freezing cold for hours just to get the darn thing. 😮

This afternoon my son and I were playing Guitar Hero III on the Xbox 360 and out of the blue decided to finally configure the Wii for Internet connectivity.  As you probably know, Wii has a Wi-Fi adapter built in, but I just never took the time to configure our router and the settings on the Wii.  Well, within a few minutes of our decision we were online surfing the Web on our Toshiba 46" HD TV.

Today is the big day, the CS5 launch event extravaganza on Lots of cool stuff on CS5 available on the Adobe site and Adobe TV...too much to list so go check it out.

In the meantime, here's Russell Brown's latest episode where he discusses the new Content Aware Fill feature in Photoshop CS5. Enjoy!

Russell Brown's video was deleted/removed, so here's one from the Photoshop team.

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