Free DME & DFIR Resources

There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
Working together we've expedited tens of thousands of criminal investigations.  Learn more

One of our members brought to my attention that the blog post form wouldn't allow you to save and publish your post.  Eventually, I found the reason and resolved it this morning.

You may have seen in a recent newsletter that we're cleaning up our database over the next few weeks.  If you missed that notice here's the skinny - we will be deleting all user accounts that have been inactive for more than 6 months.  If you have logged in within the last 6 months you're good to go; if not, you'll probably be deleted.  Any questions or concerns, as always, feel free to contact me.  Thanks for participating and have a great holiday weekend!


The new members area is officially open!  If you've already resgistered, take a moment to check out the brief Getting Started tutorial.  Additional, in-depth tutorials and other documentation will be developed over the next few weeks.  In the meantime, if you have a question about any of the features provided in the members area you can post it to the "Help!  How do I..." forum, send me a PM, or submit your question via our contact form.

The concept is simple - a team effort, a community resource.  The more people who contribute, the more we all benefit.  If you're a forensic multi-media professional and haven't registered yet, sign-up today!

A recent headline in the news: “Crime laboratory manager resigns; two others resign after accusations of cheating on a proficiency exam.” This incident will probably have far ranging consequences in the forensic community. It also raises some very difficult questions that will have to be addressed by the agency, the examiners, subjects and victims, prosecutors, and the court.

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Ocean Systems will be providing a free 3-hour seminar entitled "From Acquisition to Prosecution: Understanding the Value & Challenges of Digital Video Evidence" on December 8th in Miami, FL. This free seminar provides helpful information for all of those involved in the digital video evidence chain, too include prosecutors, law enforcement command staff, first responders, support staff, as well as technicians and analysts.

For those that do not know, Websense is a Web/Email security company that now sells a multitude of products, to include software and hardware.  Many government agencies use them, as ours did initially when I was with a NY agency, and quite frankly my first-hand experience with them was more problematic than problem-solving.  I totally get error-ing on the side of caution, but at the same time find overly cautious classifications based on IP addresses is not the way to filter the Web; especially given that the vast majority of the Web is hosted on shared servers.  Anyway, since I've responded to a few of these email inquiries from our users lately, I figured I share my canned email response globally with all users....

The first module in the very first course published to my new online training library is in the books! The course is on learning to use DME Resources. It will provide a basic overview of DME Resources through five training modules, the first of which is titled "Introduction and Overview". I should warn you, there's a quiz at the end, but I'm giving you two shots at passing it due to the level of complexity. ;)

Navigating & Using DME Resources Training Course

The ongoing clash between plasma and LCD HDTVs (or rather, their owners) rivals classic tech wars such as Apple versus Microsoft and Nintendo versus Sega in its ability to destroy friendships and alienate loved ones. As with any good tech fight, however, the skirmishes that occur in review comments and home theater enthusiast forums across the Internet are typically characterized by fans exchanging glib one-liners (in this case, about black levels and refresh rates). And many of those one-liners haven't been updated since 2002.

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Well, what I can tell you is that your information will not be shared. See my Privacy Policy.

NOTE: Members of my site are NOT auto-subscribed or un-subscribed from this newsletter; they must manually Opt-In/Out.

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