Hollywood vs Reality: Officer Involved Shootings
A video I found interesting that was recently published by the Post Falls, ID Police Department:
Myths, Misconceptions and Realities Associated with Police Use of Deadly Force
There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
Working together we've expedited tens of thousands of criminal investigations. Learn more
A video I found interesting that was recently published by the Post Falls, ID Police Department:
Myths, Misconceptions and Realities Associated with Police Use of Deadly Force
Those who have been recovering video evidence from CCTV systems for any length of time know that every case starts as a research project. In some cases DCCTV evidence is submitted with little or no information about the recording device. In other cases the entire device may be submitted, but more often than not it’s submitted without any manuals or documentation.
As you may know, version 1.10.4 of Avery Lee's video capture/processing utility was released a little over a month ago. I've packaged it with several of the input plugins I regularly use, with one notable exception; the FFmpeg input plugin. I've had nothing but issues w/version 0.7 of the FFmpeg input plugin when used with version 1.10.4 of VirtualDub, so I've provided the source but did not install the plugin in my v1.10.4 package.
The v1.9.11 package contains all of the same input plugins, and version 0.7 of the FFmpeg input plugin is loaded automatically as well. Head past the break for the links to download.