AFMA Organization Moving Forward

The Association for Forensic Multimedia Analysis (AFMA) hosted a meeting & conference call on September 19th relating to further development of this new, independent organization for Video, Audio and Image Analysts. Over thirty industry professionals participated in the event, and discussion topics included such things as the organization's scope, purpose, and future direction. As detailed in an email distributed following the meeting:

The next step for the AFMA is to establish a Board of Directors to further define the mission, set the direction, and establish goals for the organization. From there a Membership committee and Certification committee will be established.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please submit your name and a paragraph describing why you would be a good board member for the AFMA to Current "members" of the AFMA will be allowed to vote on who they would like to see on the Board. Submissions are due MONDAY OCTOBER 6th. Voting will take place soon after.

In order to vote for the Board of Directors, you will need to become a member of the AFMA. At this time it is a general membership and there is no cost to join. We simply need you to sign up to express your interest in the organization. As a member you will receive emails regarding the status of the AFMA, the ability to participate in the upcoming committees and activities of the AFMA, and the ability to vote for the Board of Directors.

To sign up, simply send an email with the subject AFMA MEMBER REQUEST to After your request is made via email you will receive an invitation to the AFMA member's website. All announcements related to voting will be posted to the AFMA members website.

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