Free DME & DFIR Resources

There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
Working together we've expedited tens of thousands of criminal investigations.  Learn more

Finally, took a few hours of poking through code, but the ReCAPTCHA problem has finally been resolved.  During the process of troubleshooting, I identified why members sometimes received the "Sorry, your session..." error when trying to post to the member Wiki; this too should be resolved.

Additionally, we moved the Wiki menu options to the top level of our main menu, so they're always readily available when logged in to our site.  Testing was performed with the latest versions of IE, FF, Chrome and Rockmelt.  As always, please let me know if you ever encounter any other issues.  Thanks to those who brought the ReCAPTCHA Craziness to my attention! 😎

Lots of fuss in the news lately about Smartphone encryption and 2 Factor Authentication (2FA). Maybe it's just me, but where have these people been the last decade or so? Smartphone encryption isn't new, it's just become more popular and convenient. Heck, chances are if your Android smartphone is less than 3 years old you already have the capability; it's just not turned on by default. But hey, Apple is going to provide it now too. Everybody panic!

Thank you so much, seriously.  ? 

Listeners are up by double digits for our podcast this week already, patrons by a single digit.  And get this, some of our family still hasn't even heard the show yet.  We don't advertise.  We don't want to.

How Can You Help?
You already have!  Seriously, if you're reading this, you have.  If that's not enough, consider joining us in the following experiment:

  • Do NOT share our show or Patreon Community via Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever else the kids do these days)

It's how we roll.  We want to take the long road, thank you.

Word of Mouth
It's what we're banking on.  It works.  It attracts those that are most likely to absorb, laugh, teach, and learn together.  Suddenly, it's spreading like an infection, if you will.

Open minds.  Minds willing to work together to solve problems, not blow on about how they did it all themselves.

No, You Didn't!
You didn't do it all by youself, more than likely.  There are few things in this world that we get to accomplish all by ourselves.  

I'm not taking away from your greatness by saying that, but you are not the only reason you're great, jackass.

Just sayin'.

Smile More, It's Contagious 
You want to know what's infectious?  Laughter & Love, my friends.

That will always catch on.

Hoping you & yours are safe, and surrounded by love during this pandemic.

Let's just do what we do, and try to make it another great day for those around us. Cheers! ?

Apple has released the anticipated OS X 10.6.7 update, after weeks of developer build seeds that were issued with no new features or fixes. The update is available in the normal versions of delta and combo updaters for both the client and server versions of OS X, and should be available via Software Update for most people. This update is especially important for owners of the new 2011 MacBook Pro systems because it addresses a graphics bug that caused hangs and crashes under heavy graphics load.

Read more:

It has been an amazing and incredibly busy summer for me and my family. I briefly mentioned in a previous post that we moved at the beginning of summer, which was entirely unplanned by the way (!), and no sooner than that was behind us more curve balls were thrown our way. We’ve been so busy swinging as hard as we can to try and knock those balls out of the park that it’s impacted how active I’ve been here on DME Resources. The short of it is this, I am still committed to our online training library and hope to be posting regularly here again soon. With that said, two quick topics to discuss.

It's been a very interesting and exciting year for Magnet Forensics.  New products, new acquisitions, new training opportunities, more awards & industry recognition, and still so many exciting things to come!  Don't miss the Magnet User Summit 2024, being held in Nashville, TN April 15th through 17th, 2024.  Be sure to also check out the pre-conference training opportunities.

Yesterday I received my copy of the Adobe Creative Suite CS3 bundle, and although I just installed it I'm already very impressed. Adobe has made great strides with integrating their various design products, making it easier than ever to create, manage, and edit content for any medium. As a matter of fact, I've been using Adobe Contribute now for approximately five minutes with no prior experience, and I'm using it to publish this very post.

Dear Media-Geek members:

You clearly represent a group of professionals who would add value to our newly formed Association of Forensic Multimedia Analysis (AFMA). Our shared goal is to improve the effectiveness of Forensic Multimedia Analysts. This group includes anyone who analyzes or processes multimedia evidence, including images, video, audio and digital data.

Bugs are a way of life in software--fortunately, so are bug fixes. Earlier this week, Adobe released Photoshop 12.0.1, which brings a number of stability enhancements to the professional image-editing software, including several specifically related to 64-bit operation on Mac OS X.
Though Adobe says that CS5 is more stable than its predecessor, CS4, there's always room for improvement. The 12.0.1 update addresses a number of issues that could cause slow performance, as well as several common crashing bugs, user interface and workspace issues, font-related crashes, and several painting-related issues, including problems with video layers.

Full Story

I was out in Indianapolis briefly yesterday to teach a couple of sessions during the LEVA LEVEL 2: DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA EVIDENCE PROCESSING course, which is wrapping up another great week of DME training for law enforcement professionals today at UIndy. Such a great learning environment with a truly talented instruction and support staff. Many thanks to LEVA, the other instructors, assistants, and yet another great group of students who made me feel right at home.

Congrats to everyone and safe travels home. Have a great weekend!

Medical experts, accident reconstruction experts, and other types of experts are frequently asked to interpret data from images that were obtained from video evidence. When these experts have no training or background in processing multimedia evidence, and/or make no effort to consult someone who does, bad things generally happen. Really bad things, like having all of their evidence thrown out of court, for one.

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